How you should be reporting on feedback to management

A simple guide of KPIs you should track as a team, and what you escalate to management:

Net Promoter Score

→ Overall sources.

→ Per source - Direct and each online review site.

You can convert star ratings into NPS by:

(number of 5 stars / total reviews)
(number of 3 + 2 + 1 stars / total reviews)

This metric nicely summarises the net word of mouth recommendations your business is likely to achieve as a result of the services provided.

Total Star Rating

→ Number of reviews on online review sites.

→ Where do you stand amongst your competition and your goals.

Reviews per source

→ Number of new reviews this month, per source.

→ How is it trending to beat your competition?

Negative feedback

→ Negative feedback that’s been responded to.

→ By addressing customer concerns you may be able to limit the negative consequences of negative word of mouth. You can also get more information and learn from the customer what needs to improve.

Star rating

→ Star rating of products and tours, or amongst organizations.

→ Are there any outliers for positive and negative performance? This may help identify improvement areas. Be aware average ratings may be hiding your true performance and opportunities to improve.

This article is an excerpt from:

How exceptional businesses use customer feedback to grow

Whether you’re new to customer feedback or you’re wanting to improve how you gather, analyse and act on it, this handbook will be your go-to.

While collating this handbook, we interviewed small, medium and large businesses - all leaders of businesses providing a service. Our goal of the handbook is to help you have the knowledge and tools to deliver great customer experiences, knowing that nurturing raving customers is the best way of sustaining and growing business

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