
Introducing: Benchmark your NPS and Google Reviews

See how your NPS and Google Reviews compare against similar industry sectors and business size.
James Donald
March 6, 2022

If you’re measuring Net Promoter Score, or looking at your Google ratings, you’ve probably asked yourself the question “Is that good or not?”.  We aim to help you answer that question by providing a range of scores and ratings for businesses similar to your sector and size of business, and showing where you rank.  We hope these benchmarks allow you to ask better quality questions to help improve your customer experience, and set more realistic KPIs with the goal of beating your competition..

Not yet measuring NPS?  Learn what it is, and why it’s important.

Yonder Benchmarks help you answer these questions:

  • How is my customer experience perceived compared to other businesses in my sector?
  • What does ‘Best in class’ look like and how do I compare?  
  • How well am I gathering new Google Reviews, compared to similar sized businesses
  • How do my Google Reviews rank compared to my competitors, since this influences my organic search ranking.
  • Our NPS dropped this month, is that bad?

Insights from the data

  • Smaller businesses receive higher ratings due to the personal level of service they can provide.  
  • Services that are one-off, or once in a lifetime, tend to have few pre-conceived customer expectations and hence typically receive higher NPS scores because expectations were far exceeded.
  • Services, like hotels, tend to have many touchpoints due to stays over multiple nights and carry many pre-conceived customer expectations, hence NPS scores are lower.
  • Businesses that provide moments to ask customers to share their thoughts on Google Reviews get more reviews.  Without any prompts only the most satisfied, or most dis-satisfied, customers share.  We encourage you to control the narrative and create moments for customers to share, something that’s a key focus on Yonder Survey.

How do these benchmarks compare to research agency analysis?

We built this tool because we found average NPS scores reported by research agencies are too high level to be useful.  We also heard from our customers they couldn’t find useful indications of how their Google Reviews rank, which is important for search ranking and standing out against competitors.  As an example, the average NPS quoted by a research agency for “Travel and Leisure” is 37, while the average monthly NPS we calculated for the skydiving sector of Yonder customers is 91 (Lowest = 83 and best in class = 100).  Clearly, comparing yourself to 37 is deceiving how well you compare.

How are the benchmarks calculated?

We categorised all the ratings from Yonder customers from the 12 months we’ve been operating the survey and reviews feature, associated them with sectors, anonymised the data and created the benchmarks.

Lowest = The lowest monthly value seen

Average = The average of all monthly values

Best in class = The highest value of all monthly values.

We plan to update these values quarterly. Therefore it is possible you experience a value outside the lowest and best in class range. Also, note Yonder customers are a high performing bunch of businesses who care about their customer experience so the benchmarks are competitive - even if you rank in the lower half you may still be doing well against the wider industry.  As an example, the average NPS quoted by an established research agency is 17 while the Yonder average is 49, with a lowest of 15 and a highest of 100.

If you are consistently outside the ranges, please check the ‘business size’ benchmark you’re set to and adjust if required.  

What sectors are covered

We cover industry and sectors:

  • Tourism.  Sectors include: Hotels, Attractions, Skydiving, Activity Providers, and more
  • Professional Services.  Sectors include: Law, Accounts, Agency and more.
  • Beauty
  • Other, for other types of businesses providing services.

Business sizes include:

  • Less than 100 customers per month
  • 100 - 250 customers per month
  • 250 - 1000 customers per month
  • Greater than 1000 customers per month

Curious how you compare?

Get a 14 day free trial to start sending surveys and measure your NPS. Connect your Google My Business account to instantly see how your ratings compare.

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